Microneedling: Unlock Your Skin's Potential

Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates the natural healing process of your skin, promoting collagen and elastin production. This treatment targets a range of skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven texture. It's suitable for all skin types and tones, making it a versatile option for anyone seeking to improve their skin's appearance.

Microneedling (also known as collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive treatment that using fine needles to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin – the keys to youthful-looking skin. Just a few sessions will noticeably reduce fine lines, crow’s feet, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars and make skin look refreshed. It is primarily used on the face but can be used across various locations on the body.

Microneedling with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Also known as ”vampire facial.”

Combining the power of Microneedling with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) takes your skin rejuvenation to the next level. PRP is derived from your own blood and contains growth factors that enhance the healing process. When applied during Microneedling, PRP intensifies the collagen-boosting effects, leading to improved skin texture, reduced scarring, and a more youthful complexion.

What can Microneedling and PRP Microneedling Target?

  1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a smoother complexion.

  1. Acne Scars: Improves the texture of skin affected by acne scars by promoting collagen growth and encouraging new skin cell turnover.

  2. Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: Enhances overall skin texture, refining the appearance of rough or uneven skin surfaces and promoting a more even complexion.

  3. Enlarged Pores: Minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores by improving skin elasticity and reducing their visibility.

  4. Stretch Marks: Fosters collagen production, which can lead to fading and improved texture of stretch marks.

  5. Scarring: Helps to diminish the appearance of various types of scars, including surgical scars, injury scars, and other forms of skin imperfections.

  6. Hyperpigmentation: Encourages a more balanced skin tone by aiding in the reduction of areas of hyperpigmentation, such as sunspots and age spots.

  7. Dull or Lackluster Skin: Promotes a healthier, more radiant complexion by stimulating cellular turnover and rejuvenating the skin's appearance.

  8. Skin Laxity: Enhances skin firmness and elasticity by promoting collagen and elastin production, leading to a tighter and more youthful appearance.

  9. Overall Skin Rejuvenation: Offers a comprehensive approach to revitalizing the skin, resulting in a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

    These treatments address a variety of skin concerns, making them suitable for individuals with different needs and goals.

Your practitioner will customize the treatment plan to target your specific concerns and help you achieve the best possible results.

Who is a good candidate for Microneedling and PRP Microneedling

Ideal candidates are in good general health and do not smoke or drink excessively, as these habits affect the body’s ability to produce collagen and other regenerative chemicals.

Microneedling and Microneedling with PRP are suitable for individuals looking to address a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Acne scars and other types of scars

  • Uneven skin tone and texture

  • Enlarged pores

  • Stretch marks

These treatments are safe for all skin types and colors, making them inclusive options for everyone.

How Does It Work?

During the Microneedling procedure, a pen-like device with fine needles creates controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface. This stimulates collagen and elastin production, resulting in improved skin texture and reduced imperfections. The addition of PRP amplifies the regenerative effects, enhancing your skin's natural beauty.

The most common side effect is minor skin irritation immediately following the procedure. Redness is also common for the first few days

The process consists of drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and separating the platelets in a centrifuge. This platelet rich plasma is then used in injection therapy to stimulate collagen growth, regenerate tissue, and naturally smooth and tighten the skin. It can also act as a non-invasive hair loss management treatment by stimulating your cells to produce thicker hair over time.

What people are saying…

Had microneedling with Shelly and was not disappointed! Super professional, she thoroughly explained the process and what to expect through the healing process. Visibly reduced done fine lines and scars that were targeted- and the glowww- 💯 worth it!


Shelly does my botox and I would never go anywhere else. She’s gentle, fair and kind. I recently have had micro needling done and would 10/10 recommend for stretch mark and other skin problems


Anticipating Results & Downtime

Results from Microneedling and Microneedling with PRP are not instant, as the skin needs time to regenerate collagen and heal. You may notice some initial redness and mild swelling, which typically subsides within a few days. Gradual improvement continues over several weeks, with optimal results becoming noticeable within a few months.

Treatment Frequency

For best results, we recommend a series of Microneedling treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. The frequency of Microneedling with PRP sessions may vary based on individual needs and goals. Your dedicated practitioner will guide you through a personalized treatment plan during your consultation.

Post-Care Instructions

After your treatment, it's important to follow these post-care instructions to ensure the best possible results:

  • Keep the treated area clean and moisturized with products recommended by your practitioner.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and use broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

  • Avoid makeup and strenuous exercise for a day or two post-treatment.

  • Stay hydrated to support the skin's healing process.


  • The discomfort is usually minimal and can be managed with a topical numbing cream applied before the procedure.

  • It's recommended to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to allow the skin to heal.

  • Depending on your skin's needs and your practitioner's recommendation, Microneedling can be combined with other treatments for enhanced results.

  • There is minimal downtime associated with redness and mild swelling, which should subside within a few days.

  • The results are long-lasting, but maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the benefits over time.