Teeth Whitening with Beaming White:

Unveil Your Radiant Smile

Professional Teeth Whitening service. Removes surface stains from your teeth; no sensitivity with results lasting 6-12 months. Beaming White Teeth Whitening Service is registered with the FDA and is BBB Accredited.

The Beaming White teeth whitening system works safely and painlessly with blue LED light to gently and gradually lift stains in stages, keeping sensitivity to a minimum.

We support routine dental exams and cleanings for their preventative benefits. However, these appointments are not a prerequisite for teeth whitening. It is important to understand that your fillings, crowns, or veneers will not lighten as a result of the process. Only your natural teeth will gain brightness.

Because the whitening agent permeates tooth enamel, it can result in no to very mild sensitivity that lasts a few days after your treatment. You can use sensitive-teeth toothpaste to help mitigate this minor side effect.

Each 15-minute treatment can be repeated 2-3 times in one visit and you can expect to see noticeable results after your second or third treatment. The results of teeth whitening can be long-lasting if you adjust your habits to slow down the staining process. You can also maintain your bright smile by scheduling touch-ups a few times a year as needed.

Remove surface stains from your teeth; no sensitivity with results lasting 6-12 months

Benefits and Targets:

The most common benefits are:

A brilliant smile can make a lasting impression. Our Teeth Whitening treatments effectively:

  • Reduce Stains: Whether caused by age, coffee, tea, red wine, or smoking, our treatments can dramatically reduce discoloration.

  • Minimize Yellowing: Combat the natural yellowing of teeth over time and restore a youthful, vibrant appearance.

  • Target Uneven Coloration: Achieve an even-toned, bright smile that enhances your facial features.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Teeth Whitening is an ideal choice for individuals with healthy teeth and gums, looking to enhance the shade of their natural teeth. If you're bothered by stains or discoloration, our treatments can help you achieve your desired smile.

Frequency of Treatments:

The frequency of Teeth Whitening treatments can vary based on your preferences and the initial shade of your teeth. Many individuals achieve their desired results after just one session. For those looking for a more pronounced change, additional sessions can be scheduled with the guidance of our experts.

What people are saying…

I cannot say enough good things about Bombshell and their staff! I just had my teeth whitened with Kaleigh and could not be happier with my results! She's extremely professional and sweet! I now have pearly whites for the upcoming holidays! I've had multiple, different services here before and I cannot recommend this place enough. 12 outta 10


Kaleigh did amazing! Explained the whole procedure for having teeth whitened . She was very kind and professional . And my teeth came out AMAZING! Thank you Kaleigh


To ensure long-lasting results and maintain your radiant smile, we recommend:

  • Avoiding highly pigmented foods and drinks for the first 24 hours.

  • Brushing and flossing regularly to prevent future staining.

  • Using a whitening toothpaste to help preserve your results.

 Post-Care Instructions:


  • Sensitivity is possible but typically temporary. Our team takes precautions to minimize any discomfort during and after the treatment.

  • Teeth Whitening works best on natural teeth. We recommend discussing your dental work with our experts to determine the best approach.

  • Results are long-lasting, but maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding staining substances will help prolong the effects.

  • Yes, our treatments are safe when performed by our skilled professionals. We prioritize your comfort and safety throughout the process.

  • Our team will guide you on the appropriate frequency of treatments to prevent over-whitening, which can lead to sensitivity.